viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

ABC Student News: Media Influence

Media Influence

What did magazines all had in common last summer? All of the issues released in May, June or even July had one thing in common. Many of these articles were titled as: The Best Suit for Your Body Type, The Year's Hottest Suits, Create Your Own Suit, Get a thin body in just 10 days – you get the idea right?

In spite of the summer theme, each magazine promotes sunless tanning and safe sun exposure, which is a good thing. The bad thing is? Advertisements and the way, we as teens are influenced by these adverts and these ideas that are being promoted.
Adverts seem to be featuring LOTS of skinny, tall and “perfect girls” nowadays. Other than that, all of the magazines were loaded with fashion and beauty advice, each featured several true life stories from the merely humiliating to the terrifying stories that people tell, then we had the stories from celebrities and their careers, boyfriends/girlfriends, piercings, etc. Last but not least, each had its own section devoted to “boys”. Not FOR boys, you understand, ABOUT boys. How to talk to them, approach them, rate them, understand them, date them, and dump them.
So, basically the porpoise of this is to understand that we are unique people and each day the media is bombarding us with ideas of how love, life, family, relationships and many others should be. What we, as teens should do is try to not be influenced by these ideas firstly because as Irene C.Kassorla once stated, we should “have control of the authorship of our own destiny.  The pen that writes our life story must be held in our own hand”, so next time you read or watch an advert keep in mind that these are just trying to sell ideas, but you are the one who will decide whether to believe it or not
Written by: Ingrid Orellana

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