martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

ABC Student News: International News

Chile: Miner’s might get rescued this weekend

The 33 miners that are currently trapped underground since more than two months ago under the San José gold and copper mine in the North of Chile might get rescued over the course of this weekend.

With the drilling done so far, drilling mining company Geotec has managed to dig up to 464 metres deep down the soil, leaving the company with only 160 metres to reach the refuge where the 33 miners are at the moment. Thus, Geotec’s President, Pedro Buttazzoni, has currently announced that his team expects to reach the miner’s refuge in a matter of three or four days, even though the Chilean government planned to rescue the miners in mid-October.

The notable progress done so far by Geotec seem to point to the idea that the Chilean miners might get saved before the initial expected rescue date, which was at the end of this year, near Christmas. With Buttazoni regarding the rescuing of the 33 miners during the next few days as ‘perfectly possible’, a sense of jubilation began to arise amongst the anxious crowd gathered at Camp Esperanza (Hope) – the community that has sprung at the surface of the mine conformed by the families of the miners, emergency services, and fellow construction workers.

After 60 days of torture, the 33 miners trapped 2,300 feet underground since a rockslide on August 5, as well as their families and friends, grasp to the idea that the end to what seemed to be an everlasting ordeal will soon come to an end.

A sense of joy took over the miner’s families and friends as they heard the good news. It all points to the idea that the rescue is near.

Written by: Gerardo Blandon

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