martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

ABC Student News

ABC student news
Last week (27th September to 1st October)
This Friday 1st October was the end of civic month celebrations (various assemblies took place). And we all celebrated ‘Kids Day,’ the LRC staff was giving out sweets to all students who showed up. The 29th September was the PAES examination for grade 12th.

Upcoming events
This 7th of October is the PK curriculum night. 9th of October will be Empowerment Day for grade 11 but this could change ,many of the 12th grade prefects will be doing at their SAT examination, so if this date is moved it will be the following Saturday, 16th of October, this event will take place on school from 8:30 -3:00 pm. 

Written by: Alejandra Zelaya

ABC Student News: Editorial

Articulo – Editorial
México.- “Mujeres Trabajando juntas: Impulsando la Perspectiva de Género en la Agenda Legislativa”

En México las mujeres se han unido y han hecho movimientos feministas internacionales y los acuerdos de esto se ha dado a nivel mundial. Las legisladoras mexicanas están logrando el avance de las mujeres por las reformas del marco jurídico. El objetivo de esta reforma es corregir el rumbo y las estrategias para lograr la erradicación de la desigualdad. Esto aunque no parezca es muy común en muchos países, por ejemplo en El Salvador se ve mucho esto ya que las personas que llegan a puestos de vice presidentes en adelante en las empresas son generalmente hombres, y raras veces ha habido mujeres en el puesto de presidente de una nación. Las legisladoras quieren que la igualdad sea más allá que ideologías hacia la igualdad ya que no es justo que haya una diferencia marcada entre el hombre y la mujer cuando estamos igualmente capacitados para la mayoría de trabajos. Esto solo se podrá lograr con unidad y la solidaridad de todas las mujeres, ya que a pesar que se decreto la igualdad para ambos géneros hace mucho tiempo, eso no es completamente cierto porque aun nos diferencian desde niños con el rosado y el azul, y que las niñas son débiles, y los niños fuertes, etc.… esto que inculcan desde pequeños a los niños es incorrecto ya que están creando esa desigualdad y diferencia entre ambos emocionalmente. Yo opino que está muy bien lo que estas legisladoras mexicanas piensan hacer para México, y creo que los otros países deberían actuar así, ya que en muchos países existe el machismo, y en otros como en El Salvador, muchas oportunidades están limitadas por nuestro género.
Written by: Paola Soundy

ABC Student News: School News

Peace One Day

We have been celebrating Peace One Day now for decades, and every time our community does this, the whole school seems to unite in peace and selfless fun! This organisation is known worldwide and it has seemly had a huge impact on our school. This year, our student council presidents decided to give out white ribbons symbolising this commemorative day. With this, representatives walked the ABC hallways asking for donations and remembering why Peace One Day is truly about. You could feel the smiles and the tranquillity all through the student body, and it was beyond doubt  one of the best feelings one can experience and share with others. Congrats, everyone! It’s not just a day but one whole year full of peace in the ABC!

ABC Student News: University Information

Study in France

Last Saturday 26th September, the “Alliance Francaise” of El Salvador offered a conference about studying in France in their facilities, for any student that wants to achieve a higher education in France.

During the conference it was said that there are around 3500 educational institutions, between public and private.  They offer “licence”, “master” and “doctorat”.  In France school starts in September and it’s recommended that the student starts to organize paper work with a year in advance. For all foreign students that aren’t European and want to study in France, they need to contact with the French embassy of El Salvador, in order to obtain further information and how to obtain a visa. There is also a website for scholarships available for students, which is This website is in three languages: French, English and Spanish, making it simple to understand. It’s easy to use depending on what you’re looking for, there’s plenty of information ranging from: finding the course you want, to grants, to reasons why to study in France and information on studying and living in France.

If you’re thinking of studying in France most universities will ask you for the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) level B2, as this will show that you have a solid French level in order to attend school in France. You can take this exam in the “Alliance Française” here in El Salvador, it costs $100 to take the exam and the passing mark is 50 out of the 100 points. However, there is the possibility of studying in France and having your classes taught in English, you can find more information in the website of, where there’s the option of searching for universities in France that have programs taught in English (  

For more information you can visit:
CampusFrance for Central America  (,
Alianza Francesa de San Salvador: (,

Written by: Cindy Cordova

ABC Student News: Noticias Nacionales

Sindicalistas cierran instalaciones de Medicina Legal
Miembros del Sindicato de Trabajadores del Instituto de Medicina Legal mantienen cerradas varias sedes de la institución en todo El Salvador. Sin embargo, se informó que ya han establecido una mesa de negociación con un magistrado de la Corte Suprema de Justicia con el objetivo de llegar a un acuerdo y finalizar con el cierre.
La medida comenzó hoy a las 8:00 de la mañana, cuando se impidió que personal de la institución saliera a realizar levantamientos de cadáveres en la sede central, ubicada en San Salvador, así como en las de Santa Tecla, Chalatenango y San Vicente.
Según notificaron, como primer punto exigen la destitución del actual director de Medicina Legal, Mario Alfredo Hernández Gavidia.
En segundo lugar, se quejan de la sobrecarga laboral que experimentan en todas las sedes regionales, lo cual se suma a las deficientes condiciones de infraestructura y equipo.
La tercera petición va encaminada a lograr que el bono navideño que reciben los empleados del sector justicia sea de $1,000 para todos los trabajadores.La medida continuará hasta que los sindicalistas obtengan una respuesta favorable de parte de los magistrados de la Cortes Suprema de Justicia.
El Salvador cerró fin de semana con 19 homicidios
En los tres primeros días del mes de Octubre, ya se registran 32 homicidios, un promedio de 11 por día. Hasta el día de ayer se totalizaban 3,051 salvadoreñas y salvadoreños asesinados en 2010. El recién pasado mes de Septiembre, la policía informó sobre una sensible reducción en el promedio diario de asesinatos, cuando se contabilizaron siete por día.
Jóvenes en apoyo a la comunidad
Son dos proyectos excepcionales y novedosos. Ambos nacieron en instituciones educativas que son parte del proyecto de Servicio Social Estudiantil de LA PRENSA GRÁFICA.
Radio Halcón es el proyecto de una emisora web que dirigen dos estudiantes de tercer año de bachillerato del Instituto nacionall Simón Bolívar (INSIBO), de San Salvador.
Xoami es el grupo musical formado por alumnos de bachillerato del Complejo Educativo de Ciudad Delgado.

Una radio para expresarse
Saúl Heriberto Navarro y Erick Alexander Beltrán son dos estudiantes de tercer año de bachillerato del Institutonacional Simón Bolívar, que ocupan su tiempo libre para manejar y programar una radio en internet llamada Halcón. El objetivo que estos jóvenes buscan es transmitir programas donde los estudiantes de la institución y demás radioescuchas tengan la oportunidad de expresarse, retroalimentarse y escuchar temáticas de interés social, educativo y cultural.

MINED enseña a estudiantes sus derechos ante la criminalidad
Autoridades del Ministerio de Educación (MINED) y representantes del Ministerio de Justicia y Seguridad Publica presentaron esta mañana a estudiantes de los Centros Escolares San Simón y Antonio Najarro, del municipio de Mejicanos, el programa de” Educación Legal Popular”.

De acuerdo con autoridades del MINED, este proyecto busca dar a conocer a los alumnos sus derechos frente a la ola de criminalidad que agobia el país.

Mejicanos es unos de los municipios del gran San Salvador que afronta de manera más recrudecida los flagelos de la violencia.  El pasado 20 de junio registró uno de los hechos más violentos cuando pandilleros quemaron una unidad del transporte colectiva con sus pasajeros a bordo, dejando como resultado 14 personas fallecidas.

Written by: Julia Navarro

ABC Student News: Book Review

Margaret Peterson Haddix – The Missing Series: Book 1 “FOUND”
Even though its cover might fool you into believing it’s yet another airplane sabotage story, there’s actually more to this book than you might think.
The Plot: An unknown airplane lands on an airline’s gate, without being noticed by the airport’s radar or personnel. Besides its unbelievably mysterious appearance at the airport, there’s more: no pilot, no flight attendants and no adults for that matter, just… babies. Undoubtedly, a bizarre beginning for Haddix, but a very unique attempt to keep the reader hooked until the book ends. Chapter 2 continues with the story, 13 years after the event. It introduces us to the lives of a 2 new characters: Jonah and Chip, interestingly both 13 and even more interestingly Jonah is openly adopted. Could they somehow be linked to the airport’s bizarre mystery?
The Critic’s Review: The book carries an unbelievably strong story and it never fails to give the reader that urge to keep on turning those pages. However, somewhere in the middle of the story reading becomes an unbelievable nuisance with every turning of the page. Why? The story is too focused on the process to finding the solution that… well… nothing happens. It’s a good way to keep the suspense going, and eventually something does happen in the story, but to keep the reader waiting that long for the story’s solution without any action whatsoever? Having said that, though there is a moment towards the middle of the book in which the reader fights the urge to close the book, *SPOILER* there is an unbelievable ending to this book as a prize for those who just kept on flipping those pages until the very end. Also, did I mention there’s a moral to this story?

ABC Student News: International News

Chile: Miner’s might get rescued this weekend

The 33 miners that are currently trapped underground since more than two months ago under the San José gold and copper mine in the North of Chile might get rescued over the course of this weekend.

With the drilling done so far, drilling mining company Geotec has managed to dig up to 464 metres deep down the soil, leaving the company with only 160 metres to reach the refuge where the 33 miners are at the moment. Thus, Geotec’s President, Pedro Buttazzoni, has currently announced that his team expects to reach the miner’s refuge in a matter of three or four days, even though the Chilean government planned to rescue the miners in mid-October.

The notable progress done so far by Geotec seem to point to the idea that the Chilean miners might get saved before the initial expected rescue date, which was at the end of this year, near Christmas. With Buttazoni regarding the rescuing of the 33 miners during the next few days as ‘perfectly possible’, a sense of jubilation began to arise amongst the anxious crowd gathered at Camp Esperanza (Hope) – the community that has sprung at the surface of the mine conformed by the families of the miners, emergency services, and fellow construction workers.

After 60 days of torture, the 33 miners trapped 2,300 feet underground since a rockslide on August 5, as well as their families and friends, grasp to the idea that the end to what seemed to be an everlasting ordeal will soon come to an end.

A sense of joy took over the miner’s families and friends as they heard the good news. It all points to the idea that the rescue is near.

Written by: Gerardo Blandon

ABC Student News: Curious Facts

How Much Weight Can One Human Hair Hold?
From Rapunzel to the Hair Club Men, hair holds a prominent role in culture and society. But the story goes deeper. Some scientists believe that different kinds of hair evolved for different reasons, such as curly hair to keep people cool in warmer climates and straight hair to keep those in colder climates warm. In fact, so much of your body heat escapes from your head that it is no wonder that hair plays at least some part in keeping your body warm. But how much weight can your hair actually hold?
Dr. Frederic Leroy estimates that a head of human hair (about 150,000 strands) is strong enough to support the weight of two full grown elephants; that’s twelve tons! Even a single hair can support a surprising amount – 3 ounces (which is like a travel-sized bottle of shampoo). If a human were to attempt to climb a rope of human hair like in the fairy tale “Rapunzel,” it is estimated that a 63 lb person could climb a 90-foot tower! 
Pound for pound, hair is as strong as Kevlar, so enough hair could stop bullets and arrows. One woman reported that her hair weaved deflected a bullet that could have killed her! 
Written by: Camila Vega